NHSez Atamturkur

Harry and Arlene Schell Professor and head of the Department of Architectural Engineering, Penn State University
Sez Atamturkur's research focuses on uncertainty quantification in scientific computing. Her work, documented in over 100 peer-reviewed publications in some of engineering science journals and proceedings, has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Education, and Los Alamos National Laboratory, as well as industry organizations and partners. She joined the Penn State faculty in 2018 after serving as associate vice president for research development and a Provost's Distinguished Professor at Clemson University. There she directed the NSF-funded Tigers ADVANCE project, which focuses on improving the status of women and minority faculty at Clemson, and the NSF-funded National Research Traineeship project, with funding for over 30 doctoral students and a goal of initiating a new degree program on scientific computing and data analytics for resilient infrastructure systems. She served as one of the four co-directors of Clemson's Center of Excellence in Next Generation Computing and Creativity. Prior to joining Clemson, Atamturktur served as an LTV technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory. She holds a doctorate in civil engineering from Penn State and earned her undergraduate degree in architecture and civil engineering from Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi in Ankara, Turkey.
Web: https://www.ae.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=hsa109
Monday, October 28th, 12:50 pm to 1:50 pm