LSMichael Keidar

A. James Clark Professor of Engineering, GW School of Engineering and Applied Science
Michael Keidar's Micropropulsion and Nanotechnology Lab conducts advanced fundamental and applied research in plasma medicine, micropropulsion for micro and nanosatellites, and plasma nanoscience and nanotechnology. Join Keidar during Lunch with a Scientist to hear about this work.
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Keidar's research concerns advanced spacecraft propulsion, plasma-based nanotechnology, and plasma medicine. He has authored over 240 journal articles and is author of the textbook Plasma Engineering: from Aerospace to Nano and Bio technology (Elsevier, March 2013). He received the 2017 Davidson award in plasma physics. In 2016 he received the AIAA Engineer of the Year award for his work on micropropulsion resulting in the successful launch of a nanosatellite with thrusters developed by his laboratory. Physics of Plasmas selected his 2001 paper on the Hall thruster as one of its most cited papers in the 50 years of its publishing. He is one of pioneers of plasma medicine. His research led to development of the cold plasma scalpel, which is used to treat cancer. Many of his papers have been featured on the cover of high impact journals and his research has been covered by various media outlets. Professor Keidar serves as an AIP Advances academic editor, associate editor of IEEE Transactions in Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences and member of the editorial board of a half-dozen journals. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and associate fellow of the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics.
Sunday, October 14th, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm