About ScienceWriters2016

About ScienceWriters2016

Crusing the Riverwalk

The annual ScienceWriters meeting is a joint meeting of the National Association of Science Writers and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing. A mix of professional development workshops, briefings on the latest scientific research, extensive networking opportunities, and field trips, it is a meeting for science writers, by science writers, with content to appeal to both the newest writers and seasoned professionals. The location varies each year based on the host institution, providing access to science writers in all parts of the United States. In 2016, we are meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Mark your calendars and plan to stay an extra day or two to take it all in. The full scheduled will be available in early August and registration opens on August 17.

The Texas Biomedical Research Institute and BioBridge Global welcome ScienceWriters2016 to San Antonio.

Deep in the Heart of Texas, the Alamo City is home to a rich culture with natural beauty and a deep sense of community. Journey with us throughout our bustling city. Start by staying in the heart of San Antonio, blocks from the famed Alamo and along the San Antonio River at the Omni La Mansion and be sure to register for one of our exciting field trips planned that will take you from the urban core to the outer reaches of our town and deep into the heart of discovery. With Texas-style friendliness and flare, our Texas Two-Step welcome reception Friday night is sure to entertain. Celebrate the holiday weekend with a Halloween Fiesta at Sunset Station Depot Sunday evening.

San Antonio scientists are excited to welcome you and share both our culture and our innovation. We look forward to your visit. Viva ScienceWriters2016!





Texas Biomedical Research Institute




BioBridge Global













CPS Energy







Clarity Child Guidance Center





Southwest Research Institute







San Antonio Medical Foundation





















Biomed SA




St. Mary's University















University of Texas Health Science Center




University Health System









City of San Antonio Economic Development Department















San Antonio CVB









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