Emily Willingham

Emily Willingham

Freelance medical writer; board member and chair, NASW Fairness Committee

Emily Willingham's work has appeared online at the New York Times, Slate, Wired, Forbes, Discover, and others and in print in Backpacker, Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine, and other local and regional publications. She and co-author Tara Haelle expect their book, The Informed Parent, to be published in Winter 2016 by Perigee Books/Penguin. She is a Forbes contributor and freelance writer and also blogs at www.emilywillinghamphd.com. As a member of the NASW board and chair of the Fairness Commitree, Emily focuses on growing the diversity of NASW's membership and creating frameworks to ensure workplace fairness for science writers. She is the 2014 recipient of the John Maddox Prize for standing up for science, a joint initiative of Nature and the Kohn Foundation. The prize rewards an individual who has faced difficulty and hostility in the course of promoting sound, evidence-based science on a matter of public interest. You can find her on Twitter, possibly too often.


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