Cynthia Graber

Cynthia Graber

Freelance print and radio journalist

Cynthia Graber is an award-winning print and radio journalist whose reporting has appeared in venues such as Fast Company, Slate, BBC Future, Matter, Scientific American, PRI's The World, Studio 360, and many others. She also writes for children's magazines and is a regular contributor to Scientific American's 60-Second Science podcast. She was a 2012-2013 Knight Fellow at MIT and received one of the inaugural Food and Farming fellowships at the University of California Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism in 2013. Awards for her work include the IOP-STFC International Physics Journalism prize, the AAAS Kavli award (for radio), and the Society of Environmental Journalists award for in-depth reporting. In September, she will be co-launching a new podcast called Gastropod, about food through the lens of science and history. Find her on twitter at @cagraber.



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