6Saturday | 6:30 - 9:00 pm | ScienceWriters2010 welcome reception Location: Peabody Museum of Natural History | | F |
7Sunday | 8:30 am | Evo-Devo, with Sean Carroll Location: Canceled | | F |
8:30 am | NEUROLOGY: Diagnosing and treating unremitting depression, with Helen Mayberg Location: Ballroom | | F |
9:30 am | GENOMICS : High-speed pursuit of the genes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, with Matthew State Location: Ballroom | | F |
10:30 am | CLIMATE CHANGE: Surviving a political attack, and an update on research, with Michael Mann Location: Ballroom | | F |
12:30 - 2:00 pm | Lunch with a scientist Location: Varied; see program on-site. | | F |
2:30 pm | METAGENOMICS: Discoveries in the dirt: Soil metagenomics leads to important findings on antibiotic resistance, with Jo Handelsman Location: Yale Art Gallery auditorium | | F |
2:30 pm | RISK PERCEPTION: Why do people who oppose abortion also tend to doubt climate change? with Dan M. Kahan Location: Yale Center for British Art auditorium | | F |
3:30 pm | COMPLEXITY: Modeling insurgency: Physicist detects similar patterns in very different wars, with Neil Johnson Location: Yale Center for British Art auditorium | | F |
3:30 pm | CANCER: Overturning cancer dogma: It’s the slowly-dividing cells that matter, with Gil Mor Location: Yale Art Gallery auditorium | | F |
4:30 pm | EVOLUTIONARY PHOTONICS: The optics and nanoscience of blue bird feathers (and butterflies too!) Location: Yale Center for British Art auditorium | | F |
4:30 pm | PRIMATE BEHAVIOR: Why evolution allows us to make bad decisions, with Laurie Santos Location: Yale Art Gallery auditorium | | F |
8Monday | 8:30 - 11:30 am | Solons of science: A special symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing Location: Ballroom | | F |
8:30 - 9:30 am | Future Climate/Future Life (Redux) | | F |
9:30 - 10:30 am | P4 Medicine: A Newly Emergent Biological Paradigm | | F |
10:30 - 11:30 am | Cosmology at the Edge | | F |
1:00 - 5:00 pm | Tours of Yale University and Yale School of Medicine Location: Varied; see program for departure points. | | F |
9Tuesday | 8:30 am | CHEMISTRY: Recruiting antibodies to fight disease, with David A. Spiegel | | F |
8:30 am | CLINICAL TRIALS: Upending conventional wisdom—and sorting spin from substance, with Harlan M. Krumholz | | F |
9:30 am | STEM CELLS: The dark side of biology: Tiny RNA molecules controlling gene expression, with Haifan Lin | | F |
9:30 am | OIL SPILL: The role of science in a national crisis: Update on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, with Steven Lohrenz | | F |
10:30 am | AUTISM: Early diagnosis and treatment of autism, with Ami Klin | | F |
10:30 am | GREEN CHEMISTRY: Chemistry research that can cleanse the environment and encourage responsible corporate behavior, with Julie Zimmerman | | F |