CLINICAL TRIALS: Upending conventional wisdom—and sorting spin from substance, with Harlan M. Krumholz

Tuesday, November 9th, 8:30 am
Harlan M. Krumholz

When we report on clinical trials, we need to ask ourselves the following questions, Krumholz says: Where is the kernel of truth that really matters? When does a study convey more spin than substance? Why is it sometimes so hard to determine exactly what a study says? Krumholz brings the perspective of someone who does such trials and who also studies research methods and health policy—so he is involved in practice, and policy. His NIH-supported research has led to reductions in delays in the treatment of patients with heart attacks. In just the past year, he has reported that busier hospitals get better results (to a point), lipid recommendations might be misguided, and that reductions in hospital stays might be increasing readmission rates. Krumholz will tell us what isn’t obvious in the medical literature, and show us how we can better spot that ourselves.