NHWilliam N. Hait

Global head, research and development, Janssen Research & Development, Johnson & Johnson
Bill Hait is an oncologist who heads Janssen R&D, the global pharmaceutical research and development group of Johnson & Johnson. He holds an MD and a PhD in pharmacology from the Medical College of Pennsylvania. He joined the Yale University School of Medicine faculty in 1984 and rose to chief of the Division of Medical Oncology, taking leadership roles in the breast cancer and lung cancer programs of the Yale University Comprehensive Cancer Center. A former president of the American Association for Cancer Research and a Fellow of the AACR Academy, he has served as editor-in-chief of Clinical Cancer Research and associate editor of Cancer Research. Before joining Janssen R&D, he was founding director of The (Rutgers) Cancer Institute of New Jersey.
Monday, October 12th, 8:30 am to 9:30 am