Per Sederberg

Assistant professor of psychology; associate director, Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, The Ohio State University
Per Sederberg grew up in South Carolina as a child of four university professors (two English, two political science). Though always a big fan of computer programming, he went to the University of Virginia expecting to be a physics and math major. Per soon became fascinated with the brain and mind, and he switched his major to cognitive science, where it seemed every class he wanted to take counted toward the major. After working in both cognitive and computational neuroscience labs as an undergrad, he took four years off to work as a software developer before returning to graduate school at Brandeis University and the University of Pennsylvania to earn a Ph.D. in neuroscience with a focus on electrophysiological and computational mechanisms of human memory. He went on to a postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton, where he studied machine-learning approaches to the analysis of neural data.In 2010 he joined the psychology faculty at Ohio State University, where he runs the OSU Computational Memory Lab.
Per Sederberg will be conducting a small-scale memory study with volunteer meeting attendees. See details here.
Monday, October 20th, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm