Martha Belury

Martha Belury

Carol S. Kennedy Professor of nutrition, The Ohio State University

Martha Ann Belury earned her Ph.D. in biological sciences, specializing in carcinogenesis, from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research seeks to identify dietary components that prevent carcinogenesis. Compounds that she evaluates include dietary fatty acids and flavonoids, a diverse group of bioactives that affect energy metabolism and inflammation. Her research has resulted in more than 90 research articles and funding support from a variety of agencies (NIH, USDA, NASA), private organizations (American Cancer Society, American Institute for Cancer Research) and for-profit companies. Belury has served as a grant reviewer for the American Cancer Society, American Institute for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, Agricultural Research Service and Department of Defense. She serves on the editorial boards of Lipids, the journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, and Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. She was recently honored as having published the 17th most cited paper in 70-year history of Nutrition Reviews and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


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