Gregory C. Gray

Professor and chair, Department of Environmental and Global Health, College of Public Health and Health Professions; director, Global Pathogens Laboratory, University of Florida
Greg Gray, a board-certified physician with graduate training in public health, has conducted epidemiological infectious disease research in the U.S. and abroad for 25 years and joined the University of Florida faculty in 2010. His current research interests include the transmission of pathogens, especially respiratory viruses, from animals to people as a result of occupational exposure. This work has taken him more than to a dozen countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. A strong proponent of the cross-disciplinary "One Health" approach to animal and human health, he holds a joint appointment in veterinary medicine at UF, directs the world's first One Health Ph.D. program and recently won NIH funding for a postdoctoral zoonoses training program in partnership with scholars in Mongolia.
Sunday, November 3rd, 9:30 am to 10:30 am