Rebooting science journalism: Adapting to the new media landscape
- Time:
- Saturday, November 6th, 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
- Location:
- College Room
- Speaker(s):
- Emily Bell
- Betsy Mason
- Bora Zivkovic
- Moderator(s):
- David Dobbs
- Organizer(s):
- David Dobbs
With many of journalism's institutions, traditions, and practices under fire, science journalists face a tough evolutionary challenge: How should we adapt if we're to take engaging, rigorous science writing into this changing environment? What traits and behaviors should we cultivate or keep, and which leave behind? What pressures and opportunities do new media forms create, and how should we respond to them? How do we ensure accuracy and transparency? Finally, how can people who want to write well about science do all this — and make a living? Can we be the same old animals, or must we take new forms?
Panel 2.0 style: After some brief framing remarks by the moderator, each panelist will speak for 5 to 8 minutes. Halfway through the session, we'll open it to what we expect to be a very lively give-and-take discussion.