NASW Business meeting

Saturday, November 6th, 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Continental Breakfast will be served during the meeting

Welcome, Nancy Shute, NASW president

  1. Introduction of the new board, Nancy Shute
  2. Vote on Article VIII, Dan Ferber

  3. Presentation of the Diane McGurgan Award, Nancy Shute

  4. Committee Reports
    Finance Committee Update-Peggy Girshman
    Internet Committee Update-Terry Devitt, Adam Rogers, Mitch Waldrop, Kelli Whitlock Burton
    Reports from other committees will be posted at

  5. New Business
    In order to make sure we leave plenty of time for this portion of the agenda, members wishing to bring up new business should briefly state name and business item on the flipchart at the head of the room prior to 8AM. It also gives us a way to go back to people should we run out of time.